It's been awhile since I've given you an action packed horse adventure...this one happened last week...
...nothing get's a heart pumping that an unexpected cardiovascular workout...right? LOL
Beautiful day, last horse ridden and well let's just say the term "ridden hard and put away wet" would apply, it was a warm, humid day and the horse was worked fairly hard, we were both fairly sweaty (and don't think that the horse is the only one working hard...LOL)! We were walking (I had unmounted) back to the barn and my horse shook his head and shook it hard enough to get the bridle HALF off...the bit was still in his mouth and he was freaking out...rearing, shaking his head and then the whole this was OFF and he was OFF TO THE RACES!
Now mind you that our outdoor arena is in my IL's backyard, so when the horse took off, my MIL saw it and sprang into the horse is running, I'm trying to figure out WHICH way it's going around the buildings and dh is holding on to horse #2 who would desparately LOVE to go join in the free roaming run... Our biggest fear is that a horse will take off down the road, it doesn't happen too often, usually the escapee decides the barn is best with all of his buddies and they lope a couple of times around the buildings (to say Wee HEE look at ME, I'm FREE (and you're not...ha ha ha!), grab some grass and then decide to go to the stall barn to torture their friends...really all in good fun (at least for a horse...humans...well..ya know, not so much...LOL). So anyway, MIL gets out in the middle of our road and stops traffic, horse then decides oh look, a LONG LONG road to run on...WHEEEE!!!!
Me: Puff puff, huff, puff, WHOA damn it, WHOAAAAAAAA!!!!
Horse: Ha ha ha, you can't catch Meee, you can't catch Me....
Me: Sigh.... wonder if I'm going to have a heart attack here? huff, puff, huff, puff
Now during this we had a customer helping his daughter get HER horse ready for the fair, he sees the free roaming horse and decided at a split second to go and help he's running ahead of me, about the time I pass the stall barn, I hear "DAD!" and some we have TWO horses on the loose...sigh.... luckily this one decided one trip around the barn was enough and the grass looked delicious and stopped when I said "whoa"...
MIL is still holding traffic off...
Customer is STILL jogging after horse
Horse: ha ha ha ha ha ha...wonder how far I can run? ha ha ha ha ha ha!
DH: Floors the truck, passes both me and customer and does a movie car swipe and...the horse stops... dh leaps out of truck and grabs horse
Horse: what just happened?
Customer: gets in truck...drives it back...
Dh and I walk horse back, meanwhile MIL had let the traffic through...if looks could kill we'd all be about 12' under...
Oh the joys of country living...LOL
2 days ago
Gotta love it... sounds like it could have been me, only I would be wrangling our dogs!
Wow, I would have croaked!!
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