...a day earlier than expected, but only because I really wanted to COME HOME! LOL...
K got to show his "debut" horse and was seen by a lot of the "right" people, he didn't place, but got some good face time in on a great horse. That same horse made the semi-finals with her owner (quite an accomplishment) and we had another finalist at the show. Now this may not seem like a "big" deal, but we're talking classes of 100+ people/horses and some of the best in the country were there, so it really is a big deal.
The hours were horrendous, my sleep schedule is completely out of whack and I'm still a walking zombie.
K's rib is better, but since the colder weather has come on, bothers him more right now. He IS able to bend over now...it was really touch and go the first few days of the show.
We were so busy while we were there, we were looking at horses to buy, showing horses to sell, and then just getting ready to show. Some nights we only managed 3 hours of sleep...and never really got a full 7 or 8 until last night when we pulled in the drive at about 10ish.
It's a small miracle we didn't come home with another dog. I've always wanted a mini aussie and there were people at both ends of our aiselway selling them...I consider it my biggest accomplishment (not buying one)...one of the clients was telling me she was getting us one for Christmas (I think we dodged that bullet LOL). Our friends weren't so lucky and they purchased the cutest english bull dog and at my urging named her "Beans"...strange name you think...not really, when their other dog is named pork (and trust me, THAT's an appropriate name for that dog! LOL)...so now they have Pork n Beans... (I'm so clever...ha ha!)
Well, I have about 10 days worth of laundry to catch up on, and K would probably like something more than just Mustard for lunch/dinner, so I must visit the grocery store.
So until I've regained my sanity...LOL...
2 days ago
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