Saturday, November 1, 2008

VIP Member

Now for those that follow Paula's Ponderings, you realize we go to horse shows...a LOT, and we just returned from a two week deal in Columbus, Ohio. So when we go, the whole family goes...meaning, our 3 dogs. Now for the younger two it's just a form of torture since they are crated while we work (at home they have the run of the you understand their thinking). However, HANK is pretty much allowed to roam at the shows. He never usually goes far and if he's gone he's usually only ONE or TWO rows away...the rest of the time you can find him lounging in one of our chairs.
EXCEPT for this show, the BIG SHOW...and the day WE SHOW (think mild form of chaosis to get ready). Yes, that is the day Hank disappears, not two rows over, not even in the barn...after searching frantically for an hour and a half ,we find Hank...or rather we are CALLED ABOUT HANK... he's over at the VIP MEMBERS ONLY restaurant...being the cooks....
So I hoof it frantically over there, and there he is...all wags and smiles...and the cooks tell me if he runs off again, you can be sure that's where you'll find him...we fed him lots of steak... Ummm, thanks...
Now tell me...HOW does my DOG get into the VIP lounge, when I, myself can't get in? sigh....LOL and wouldn't you know it, about 4 days later he disappeared least we knew where to look! LOL

Looks starved to death, doesn't he?

1 comment:

Michelle Quinno said...

Poor Hank. I'm so glad he found someone to take care of him! LOL